Fedora vs. OpenSUSE

October 15, 2021

Fedora vs. OpenSUSE: Which One Is Better?

Are you looking for a Linux distribution to use for your next project, but you can't decide between Fedora and OpenSUSE? Don't worry; we've got your back!

In this article, we will take a deep dive into the features, performance, and support of Fedora and OpenSUSE. By the end of this article, you'll have a better idea of which one to choose.


Let's start with the features. Both Fedora and OpenSUSE have a lot to offer in this department. Fedora is a community-driven distribution backed by Red Hat, and it is known for its security and stability. On the other hand, OpenSUSE is a community-driven distribution backed by SUSE, and it is known for its flexibility and ease of use.

When it comes to package managers, Fedora uses DNF, while OpenSUSE uses Zypper. Both package managers are excellent, and they are designed to make it easy to install, manage, and upgrade packages.

Finally, if you're into bleeding-edge software, Fedora is the clear winner. Fedora always comes with the latest version of software packages, while OpenSUSE prioritizes stability over the latest version.


When it comes to performance, both distributions are excellent. However, Fedora is known for its speed and efficiency. In fact, Fedora is considered to be one of the fastest distributions available.

On the other hand, OpenSUSE is designed to be lightweight and modular, which makes it an excellent choice for low-spec hardware. OpenSUSE also comes with a lot of pre-installed optimization tools, which makes it easy to enhance your system's performance.


Both Fedora and OpenSUSE have a lot of support options available. Both distributions have an active community of users and developers, and they offer a lot of online resources.

When it comes to professional support, Fedora offers Red Hat's support options, which are excellent. On the other hand, OpenSUSE offers SUSE's support options, which are also top-notch.


So, which one is better, Fedora, or OpenSUSE? The answer is, it depends!

If you're looking for bleeding-edge software, then Fedora is the clear winner. However, if you prioritize stability and ease of use, then OpenSUSE is the way to go.

In terms of performance, both distributions are excellent, but Fedora is considered to be faster.

Finally, when it comes to support, both Fedora and OpenSUSE have a lot to offer. Fedora offers Red Hat's support options, while OpenSUSE offers SUSE's support options.


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